Friday, May 06, 2005

We're taking bets that we need condoms for seagulls...

I have found the most wonderful story of the week, but please read this first. Those damn seagulls have infected our penguins with chlamydia. Now everyone knows that seagulls are the gigglos of the sky. It is basically like they are in the Navy and have someone at every port. Penguins aren't too smart so they fall prey to the seagulls pick-up lines. (Ex. Is that a minnow in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? & Do you like whales? Well I have a hump-back at my place. ) Plus penguins are always dressed for a party so the seagulls bring the fish and the night of fun is on. Damn those seagulls. It's like... Wham, Bam, Waddle Maam. It just sickens me. :)

Chlamydia outbreak kills a dozen penguins

Does anyone like my new blog colors. It is just a test so tell me what you think.