Thursday, September 15, 2005

We're taking bets that you have a question for John Roberts...

Hello EVERYBODY!!! It is Thursday again, which means question time for the readers of WTBT. Hopefully you will find these questions interesting and exciting. Please post your answers in the comments section. Remember you can do it anonymously and only answer the questions you want if you are too embarrassed to answer others. Invite friends and help get readership up. Thanks.

A. If you could ask Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Roberts just one question what would it be and why?

B. If you could have been the author of just one book in history what book would it be and why?

C. What is the one item of clothing or clothing style that you see on someone that makes you think that person is attractive?


A. I think I would ask whether it is the Chief Justice's personal beliefs that should guide them in their decisions or should it be the facts of the case pertaining to the Constitution. I think too often people assume that personal beliefs go into a lot of the Supreme Court decisions and I don't think that is always the case. I want to know if he feels the same way.

B. I think for me I would want to be the author of "The Notebook" (written by Nicholas Sparks). It is a great book about true love and there isn't one person that I know that hasn't loved it after reading it. It may be a little sappy, but that is who I am.

C. I have always loved women in overalls and a white t-shirt. (Hair in a ponytail with a Red Sox hat makes it even better) I don't know what it is about that look to me is very sexy without showing off a lot. The other great thing is that there is a large population of women that can pull off the look and it is not just for the skinny people. I think that women should wear overalls much more often than they do. :)


Liz said...

1. I have no clue what an intelligent question to ask a potential Supreme Court Justice would be so I would just ask him what his profile would say. "UM, I like long walks on the beach, candle light dinners..."

2. I still really liked Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. The 8th grade historical fiction book we were forced to read. At least I know it would continue to be read by school children around the country.

3. I have always loved when guys wear jeans, a button down shirt and a tie...casual with a hint of trying to impress. Sneakers can kill the look, gentlemen...go with the loafer-esque look!

Anonymous said...

1. I would probably ask him if he feels that the Constitution is being adhered to by the judicial system as much as it should. I think that could cause some heated debate not only in a nomination hearing, but also in coffeehouses around the country.

2. I would have been Dr. Seuss. Period. All the books. Why? Because everyone loves Dr. Seuss - kids and adults - and his books are so much fun... who doesn't STILL recite "Green Eggs and Ham" or reference it in some way.

3. I'm a sweater girl. I LOVE sweaters on guys, especially with some sort of white collared shirt underneath that peeks through on the top and bottom. Ask Steve - his favorite outfit of mine is his blue Tommy Bahama sweater with a white polo... *drool*

Micah said...

3. Not clothing per se, but eyeglasses. I always thought that women look awfully cute when they wear baseball caps.

Anonymous said...

A. I would ask him what his strongest belief is and what would his breaking point be if that belief was ever compromised by the law.

B. I don't think I can narrow this question down. Sorry.

C. Backwards baseball hats, wind pants and runners with a windbreaker. Individually- fantastic, all together orgasmic. Also, there's nothing like a man in a nice pair of dress pants, nice shirt and a tie, with nice glasses.

P McT said...

1. I don't know if I would ask anything cause my answer would likely be a lie!

2. It would have to the the Broke Diaries, it was a wonderfully amusing tale and plenty of people could relate

3. Okay, i'm a SUCKER for the "urban look". Not the one where the pants are haning a foot under the dudes ass but the one where the jeans are just baggy enough, the shirt is just big enough and the timb's are just dirty enough. Throw in the right amount of cologne and a fresh haircut and draws will start droppin!!

Anonymous said...

1. I'd probably ask if he thinks that Bush hooking up people who have done good things for him in his family is a good idea for the country. I'm thinking of the relatively new FCC chairman, the FEMA higher-ups, and so on.

2. The Bible. The royalties on that sucker must be through the roof.

3. Clothes do not make the person.