Thursday, April 13, 2006

We're taking bets that August needs a holiday...

Hey Everybody!!! Spring is rocking out currently. Although it is 7,000 degrees in my office I am enjoying the weather. I hope everyone else across the country is enjoying Spring so far. It is Question Time once again. Have fun. Invite others to answer. Just post in the comments section. Remember you can be anonymous.

A. The United States is in need of a major holiday for August. It is up to you to come up with this holiday. What would your holiday be and would workers have it off or not?

B. Which side of the bed do you typically sleep on?

C. What is more annoying being awoken by a car alarm or a phone call with the wrong number?


A. My Holiday would be August 14th and it would be called Play Day. It would be a federal holiday and only convenience stores and supermarkets would be open. People across the country would play games that day outside. Wiffle Ball and Ultimate Frisbee Tournaments would be held across the land. Oh what fun we would have. :)

B. I actually love the left side of the bed, but I tend to move to whereever is most comfortable.

C. I think being woken up by the wrong number is absolutely the worst. Especially since there is almost never any good news coming out of a phone call after Midnight.


Liz said...

August holiday - I would make it a mandated 1 week vacation. Everything is closed...except convenience and grocery stores. And they get to rotate when they are closed.

If you are lying in the bed, I am on the right. I can't sleep well if I am not on the right.

Wrong number - definitely! Car alarms have become background noise and I really don't hear them anymore.

Anonymous said...

A. Everyone goes on vacation anyways...

B. The side closest to the wall.

C. Car alarm cause I can't make it stop. I can make the ringing phone stop by answering it.,

Anonymous said...

A. August 13 is already International Left-Handers' Day, which I celebrate faithfully each year.

B. I sleep on the left currently, but generally I'd say I sleep on the side not right next to the wall (it's easier to escape or something).

C. I'd say being woken up by a phone call that wasn't a wrong number is worse. It usually means bad news.

Anonymous said...

A. Major Holiday in August... hrmmm... Maybe National Cookout Day. Make it on August 19th, and everyone has to have a cookout that day. If it's a working day, then your company should be courteous enough to throw some 'dogs on the BBQ. :-)

B. I'm always on the right. It's weird to be on the left, that's Steve's side.

C. Wrong number, because if the phone rings then I think something is wrong - and if it's a wrong number then it's not for me and I just got a fight or flight response for nothing.