Thursday, September 20, 2007

We're taking bets that you did not miss O.J. Simpson...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I hope you all are having a great time as we move into the fall. It is one of my favorite four seasons. :) There are a few fun questions for everyone to answer. I hope you enjoy them. Have a great day and to all of my Jewish friends enjoy Yom Kippur. I also forgot to say to my Muslim friend enjoy Ramadan.

A. O.J. Simpson is back in the news. What old or shouldn't be celebrity do you hope never comes back into the news?

B. If you could be famous for something nutty what would it be?

C. If you had a butler/maid, but they could only do one chore for you what would it be?


A. I do not want to have Tonya Harding back in the news for any reason. She is an awful person who should just stay anonymous. You hired people to hurt another person and never went to jail. Crazy!

B. I would like to be Angelina and Brad's new adopted child. That would be kind of crazy especially since I am old. They could pay off all of my debts.

C. I would have them wash and iron my clothes. That would be the best, never having to worry about that.


Danielle Athanas said...

A. I could do without any of these girls in the media anymore. I'm sick to death of hearing about Lindsay, Britney, and Paris. Shoot me in the eye... let them get help and go through their own stuff themselves. It's really not our business.

B. I would not want to be famous, so if I were I wouldn't want it for anything nutty. Maybe for something more like winning the lottery and donating a good portion of it to charity or something. Then no one will ever hear of me again. :)

C. Laundry. Hands down the most time consuming, annoying, never-ending chore in existence.

Maggie Moo said...

A. Princess Diana. Yes, she was a great person and did a lot of great things. Yes, her husband was awful and she died tragically. Let's all move on, and let her family move on too.

B. Oh, I don't know. How about I'd like to be famous for baking and frosting the worlds largest cake. If I was famous though, I really wouldn't want to be considered nutty.

C. Yup. I'm with laundry too. I don't mind actually doing the laundry, it's the folding and putting it away that I have trouble with.

GMadrid said...

Danielle - I think you would be a fun famous person. Even if you were nutty.

Lisa - World's Largest Cake is nutty. Hopefully it is scrumptious.