Tuesday, November 06, 2007

WTBT Volume 87 Series 2007...

We're taking bets that...

* Joe Torre looks better in Dodger blue than Yankee pinstripes.
* this lady deserves a couple nights in jail rather than giving a simple apology.
* you need to watch out for people with a "macabre disposition."
* Pakistan is a scary place to be right now.
* the Pats/Colts game was a gem.
* some inventions are really cool and this kid might make millions.
* you are wondering if she fell in over thousand times over the years.
* it is nice to see the Boston Celtics working so well together this early in the season.
* this little boy made quite a mammoth discovery.
* some jokes are just for me.
* it stinks the writer's strike is taking the Daily Show off the air.
* American Gangster is good not great.
* Heroes is getting back to the fun mystery part of the show.
* Oregon is probably the best team in College Football.


Anonymous said...

American Gangster might have been only "good" but Gone Baby Gone was GREAT! :) Only downer was topics related to child abuse...ughhh.

Danielle Athanas said...

The Pats/Colts game was definitely a good one with an awesome turn-out. :)

Would you say that American Gangster is a see in theater movie or OK to wait for DVD?

GMadrid said...

Danielle - Wait for DVD.

Maggie Moo said...

I would like you to tell me please. You know what I'm talking about-the only thing it can be is the movie...