Monday, January 07, 2008

We're taking bets that it is New England not global warming...

Alright I am someone who feels that global warming is effecting our planet, but I am tired of every time the weather changes that people credit it. We used to have the saying, "Don't like the weather in New England wait five minutes and it will change." So it is 50 degrees today. I remember a Christmas in when I was a kid where we almost wore shorts outside. If it was 60 degrees every day I would say that global warming was placing it's stamp on the Earth. This weather is what has happened in New England for years and will continue to happen. It was only 2001 when we had snow in late May in Massachusetts.

Please do your part to stop global warming, but stop blaming it for everything that happens weather wise.


Maggie Moo said...

Do you need a hug?

Danielle Athanas said...


(I'm a "Yeah!" girl)

Danielle Athanas said...

12 days without a post... I hope you're OK...

death commish said...

Are you alive? Maybe the global warming got ya?