Tuesday, March 18, 2008

WTBT Volume 15 Series 2008...

We're taking bets that...

* sometimes a break isn't really a break.
* St. Patrick's Day isn't as fun on a Monday.
* Barack Obama made quite a speech today about race.
* sometimes teen love gets caught hanging from a rope.
* you should always knock on a teenage boys door before entering.
* George Bush definitely doesn't understand that worth it to him doesn't mean worth it to the rest of the country.
* Spring Break photos are fun and creepy at the same time.


Danielle Athanas said...

Welcome back!

That's so sweet of those boys in TN. Trying to immortalize their teenage love like that so in 3 months when they all break-up they can have a constant reminder... ;)

Maggie Moo said...

You're bringing funny back.


Anonymous said...

its true Greg, sometimes a break isnt a break... im still tired... but no regrets, i had a kickass time

Anonymous said...

Where oh where has my friend Grrr-eg gone, oh where oh where can he be??? I miss your musings...come back to the blogosphere when you can!

death commish said...

Did you die?

death commish said...

I probably shouldn't have asked if you died...maybe you did die. Or maybe I just jinxed you. I take it back! I take it back!

Did you fall asleep on the can?