Monday, May 15, 2006

WTBT Volume 9 Series 2006

We're taking bets that...

* GWB is going to anger TiVo users around the country with his little speech tonight.
* GWB's idea of having 5000 National Guardsmen on the Mexican border is ridiculous.
* it made you a little sad to hear that Doug Flutie retired today.
* if you are from New England you cannot believe the amount of rain we have gotten.
* the rain has made the grass greener than you have seen in at least 20 years.
* Sopranos was a little creepy last night.
* you hope that the Sopranos scenes from the next episode live up to the excitement they generate.
* gators are becoming scarier than sharks.
* it is probably easier to get into the US from Canada than Mexico.

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