Hello Daily WTBT readers!!! I hope that everyone in the US is surviving the heat waves and black-outs. I have no idea if I have international readers, but I hope you are surviving the weather where you are too. :) It is Thursday's questions time. Please post your answers in the comments section. I would love to break double digits this week. I am sure it won't happen, but I can hope and dream. With that being said please ask others to answer. All the questions are relatively harmless and if you don't want to say who you are you can be anonymous. Thanks and have a great day.
A. What is the one sense that you think you would have the most trouble living without?
B. If you could choose one smell to follow you the entire day what would it be and why?
C. What is your favorite Hostess snack?
A. Because there is a history of macular degeneration in my family and I already wear glasses I guess I think that I would have the most trouble not being able to see. I really try hard not to take my sight for granted. No one realizes when you are little how cruel "Four eyes" can be because if you have perfect sight you just don't understand.
B. I think it would be the smell of Thanksgiving turkey. That smells makes me so very happy. Although I would probably be hungry all day I think I would be satisfied with that smell.
C. I think it would be Hostess Cup Cakes. The Orange ones are my absolute favorite. I love to eat the frosting off of the top first and then get into the cake goodness.
A. I have to agree on the sight. Until I got glasses (in 5th grade) the whole world was a blur. And today, when I lose a contact or something I get really frustrated and withdrawn until I can get to my glasses. Being deaf would suck too though.
B. Yikes. One smell following me all day? I think that would drive me nuts, but if I had to choose I think I'd pick fresh squeezed lemon-except that even now my mouth is watering...
C. I had to look at the website to remind myself of them, because I don't often eat store bought baked goods and you never should again either. ;) JK. I'd say the Ding Dong is my favorite.
And for someone who once said that he could eat 11 (still-really only 11? Not the 12th?) Twinkies, I wonder how many orange flavored cupcakes you could eat.
Alright, I'll answer!
1. I'm going with sight. I too have extremely bad eyesight and definitely do not take it for granted. As well Macular Degeneration runs on my father's side. It also just so happens that on my way home from vacation, the bag carrying my glasses was left behind, hopefully it will arrive today. In the meantime, it's contacts for me all the time!
2. One smell, I'm going with the smell of Magnolias. I definitely wouldn't want a food, it would make me extremely hungry at first and then it would make me sick after that. I'm not sure how you could smell Thanksgiving Dinner all the time, after a while you'd never want to smell it or eat it again.
3. I guess I have to choose mini-muffins (I had to go to the website to which products were theirs, I haven't eaten them since middle or high school). I don't really like cake, so I usually had Little Debbie snacks (Star Crunch and Nutty Bars)
A. I agree on the sight. If I can't hear, at least I can write notes to people. If I can't smell - someone else can tell me when the house is burning down, or I can hear the smoke detector. I feel you would miss so much more - facial expression, body language, etc. - if you couldn't see.
B. One smell following me all day... hrmmm... I think either fresh cut grass or the AirWick Hawaiian Breeze air freshener. One or the other.
C. I couldn't remember what cakes belong to whom, so I also had to look at the website. So after looking... I would have to say the Hostess Donettes. I LOVE those stupid donuts dipped in milk (gotta break them open first so the donut can soak up the milk). Mmmm.
Sight. Although there are new technologies that can help (talking computers, etc) they will never take the place of being able to see the rainbow or even the independence of driving my own car.
If it is only for one day, I would like to smell fresh popping movie popcorn. Something about it just makes me love life
Are ding dongs hostess? We always had fruit as snacks or desserts. I was the geeky kid with the fruit.
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