Friday, June 27, 2008

We're taking bets that funny doesn't allow for bad things to be okay...

I may be adding to the problem, but this was on today as it's featured local video. It is very funny, but promotes many negative things such as underage drinking and degrading women. Am I wrong to think this is offensive? What do you think?


Maggie Moo said...

I cna't believe no one's commented on this yet...

I don't think the video is very funny-but I guess maybe it's b/c I don't work with college kids? I also don't find the video offensive, but what I DO find offensive is that these "jokes" are based on reality and not many people seem to be doing anything to make it better.

Like for instance. Why would the even put that on their page?

Anonymous said...

The real problem is that the video isn't funny. the jokes that are made aren't any different than any other offensive attempt at a laugh.