We're taking bets that...
* whining really does accomplish anything good.
* the Olympics have ruined any type of sleep I may have wanted the last few weeks.
* it stinks that the new Harry Potter movie is now 9 months away.
* Shawn Johnson was finally tall enough on the medal stand for the Americans.
* sometimes you do not mess with a
cow and her apples.
* Michael Phelps is awesome and will probably never be matched in our lifetime.
* Tropic Thunder was an incredibly funny, but very offensive movie.
* I appreciate helping Homeless Children, but
summer camp really doesn't seem like it would do the trick.
* when entitlement manifests itself in crazy talk someone needs to step up and say something.
* I work with some of the best colleagues a person could ever ask for.
* you have to respect Christina Applegate's courage about being so open regarding her cancer.
* I am fully supportive of
this debate about alcohol and the drinking age.
* the Patriots could be in trouble without Tom Brady.
* McCain and Obama better pick their VP candidates soon.