Tuesday, August 26, 2008

WTBT Volume 33 Series 2008...

We're taking bets that...

* fall and hit your head was not number 102.
* Ted Kennedy might not be your favorite Kennedy, but he is a great speaker.
* you are a little bit excited about college football starting Thursday.
* the bishops wanted nun of this controversy.
* it is weird when who is going to be on Dancing with the Stars is bigger news that the Democratic National Convention.
* the Red Sox visiting the Bronx will not be quite the same after this year.
* you are excited about a fourth judge on American Idol that can put Simon and Paula in their places.
* sometimes pig jokes just get you in trouble.
* stories like this make me wonder how Ohio State can be considered such a great University.
* I love that their grandmother was defending their actions a little bit.
* you are really looking for your TV shows to start again.

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