Thursday, September 17, 2009

WTBT Volume 9 Series 2009...

We're taking bets that...

* sometimes I just can't.
* it was a bad week for me to stop blogging because there was a lot of stupid things this past week.
* there should be a national vote on whether doing something totally inappropriate during someone's speech should be called pulling a Kanye or doing a Joe Wilson.
* the funniest thing I heard was that it was "National Outburst Week". Big ups to Bryan.
* you have to just love "pole dancing doll".
* there are not too many things better than being at a walk-off win.
* I almost cannot stop laughing when I hear the Jets saying they are going to embarrass the Patriots this week.
* just because a woman was horribly killed at Yale does not mean New Haven is a bad city.
* this gives true meaning to "My Dad can beat up your Dad!!!"

1 comment:

Danielle Athanas said...

Pulling a Kanye, hands down. His little interruption was way worse than Joe Wilson's. Now, had Wilson run up to the podium, pointed at Obama and said "THIS MAN IS A LIAR!!!"... then I would say Pulling a Wilson. But his shenanigans are no worse than hockey game heckles.