Wednesday, April 06, 2016

We're taking bets that trying is important...

It is not easy to try something that should help you. Everyone believes they are self aware, but most of us really have no clue what we need. I am trying something new and I think that it will help, but it might get me to conclusions I really don't want. I am no where near there yet, but I have never felt closer. It's kind of like watching a little kid be afraid of heights, but attempt to go to the edge. They are at least 20 feet from the edge, but they feel like they are falling off a cliff. That sums up how I am feeling.

Sadly, I cannot say that because it means that I am not giving this try a chance. I really am though, but what ever happens I know I won't quite be the same. Which really isn't a bad thing, but maybe it is. Don't you love the ability to turn a positive into a negative and back again with a comma and the word "but". So very simple.

Still trying to figure out a few thoughts. They won't go away and it really is freaking me out. I can honestly say that I am lost when it comes to those thoughts because they will happen when I am least expecting it and on a completely different topic. I find myself having those thoughts having emotions tied with them and they needing to shake them out of my head. It is amazing how crazy that sounds when I read out loud to myself. Blog, I hope you know that I am revealing everything and nothing all at the same time. It is nice to get them out.

Just remember trying is important.

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