Tuesday, September 02, 2008

We're taking bets that I have a few observations...

Here are a couple of my observations from the long Labor Day Weekend. I hope you enjoy.

* People love to run from me. In my job one of my roles I have to enforce policy and many time that means getting someone to dump their beer because they are under 21.  This weekend I had a kid run from me. I am not supposed to chase him, but I radioed for help and we caught him. I know that I am a big guy, but I can run and someday I am going to chase someone down if for only to say that I did it.

* The Democratic National Convention was inspiring and kind of stupid all at the same time. It really was just blowhards talking to hear how important they are. Barack was excellent, but he did not make me feel confident that he will win the White House. I hope that the debates and the fact that Sarah Paulin was a bad choice for VP will help Obama/Biden win the White House.

* I am trying out Google's new web browser Chrome and I think it is cool so far. It is only the beta version so I think there is going to be a lot of improvements over the next few editions, but it works so far.

* Project Greg has started. More details to come. Hopefully it will be successful!!!


Maggie Moo said...

My guess is project Greg doesn't involve Smooth Move Tea.

Which is good.

Tom said...

Project Greg, is that where you make people stand on your front porch for days and then put them in bunk beds in the basement while you keep having internal dialogue about how much humanity takes things for granted?

But seriously, keep me informed on how it goes.