Monday, January 04, 2010

We're taking bets that I am tired of a bunch of crap...

I am tired of a bunch of crap and I am going to leave it behind me during 2010.

* I am tired of my being heavy.
* I am tired of my excuses for being heavy and not exercising.
* I am tired of complaining I do not have enough time when the truth is I am not efficient.
* I am tired of reading crap that isn't really true.
* I am tired of getting worked up about stuff that doesn't matter.
* I am tired of not expressing myself when I need an outlet.
* I am tired of looking at my never updated blog.
* I am tired of hating on New York teams, but I still won't like them. :)
* I am tired of not having enough money.
* I am tired of spending money on stupid things that I don't need.
* I am tired of my excuses for not spending enough time with my family.
* I am tired of being a good RHD when I can be a great one.
* I am tired of being an RHD and am going to find a new job for the 10-11 academic year.
* I am tired of being tired for no good reason.
* I am tired of this list.

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