We're taking bets that...
* the GOP should give Obama's budget a chance instead of automatically bashing it.
* you think it is about time that BoyzIIMen has a huge comeback.
* I feel like this kid will always have
amazing things within her reach.
* she probably will just grab any opportunity that comes by with her toes.
* Lance Armstrong better be retired for good or we should get Brett Favre to start texting him.
* Albert Pujols will be a St. Louis Cardinal in 2012.
* I would be interested to know what you all think about
the teacher blogger who was suspended for posting anonymously mean things about her students.
* I don't think public education should be a "customer is always right" industry.
* UConn basketball could be in trouble in the tournament if they don't start winning some games.
* it is pretty obvious I mean the men's team as the women are just fine.
* Fizbo maybe one of the greatest TV characters ever after Clive Bixby of course.
* unrest in Africa and the Middle East is going to dominate the next three months of news.
* even if you like Justin Bieber you are kind of getting sick of him.
* it is weird when thieves steal things that are
hard to hide from authorities.
* when those robbers do get caught the newspaper will have a headline that refers to a "Prickly situation."
* I have been a reading fiend lately and might complete my 12th book of 2011 by the end of the month.
* you are getting old if you remember when I work some sort of plaid shirt almost everyday for the entire winter.
* I still don't have good fashion sense.