Tuesday, February 22, 2005

We're taking bets that blinkers are for your safety...

Why do people insist on not using their blinkers when turning? It has become one of the most annoying things in the world to me. USE A FUCKING BLINKER!!!! That way I won't ram into the back of you with my SUV. Of course it will be my fault and you will be able to afford that pimped out Honda Accord with the insurance money.

I went to Manchester today and counted 21 times that the car in front of me should have used a blinker and did not. I was only out for about an hour. Now I know that some people might have just forgotten, but 21 times. Why has this become such a hassle for people? Are we really that lazy of a society that hitting the blinker is that hard. I would venture to say that 10,000 accidents a year a because of improper signalling. (No I do not have the exact data.) They are put on your car for a reason. Please use them I beg you!!!


Anonymous said...

Ummm, doesn't it really annoy you when people blog the same topic more than once....I swear so many incidences of boredom could be completely preventable if bloggers kept track of their blogged topics... :)

GMadrid said...

Yes, but it is updated and it has never been posted on this site. :)

Anonymous said...

Not for nothing, but this topic doesn't get old. People do need to use their damned blinkers.

In fact, I was thinking about that today when I got cut off. By a little car. Don't people see my GIANT BUICK?? Then I thought, Greg wrote a thing about that once. Then I checked, and sure enough, people are STILL DUMB ENOUGH TO NOT USE THEM and Greg wrote about it again. Whatever.

I think that Jon Stewart should write a book on the lack of blinker usage in the Northeast. Call in "From Jersey Jerks to Massholes" with some clever subtitle about the lack of blinker usage.

Anonymous said...

I still drive like I'm from Massachusetts, and though I try to use my blinker for every turn, there are those moments when I think, "Screw it. It is way too much effort to reach my right hand over and nudge the little stick thing that makes that annoying clicky sound and makes the blinky light on my dashboard." Well, I don't think ALL that. It's really mostly just the "Screw it" part. But, either way, these Pennsylvania drivers aren't really used to that. Apologies to Penn. drivers.

-Rob (what's with all these comments I'm leaving lately? Can't I just stay quiet?)

GMadrid said...

I like your comments Rob. Keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... » »