Friday, June 16, 2006

We're taking bets that when you gotta go you gotta go...

It is time for another fun factoid about your blog author. When I was on a Peer Advisor retreat I had to pee really bad, but we were following another van and I was the van driver. I got out at a stop light and let someone else jump into the front seat. Of course I forgot to put the brake on and had to jump back into the car. I then ran to the side of a church and peed in their bushes. I then ran back to the car just as the light turned green.


Anonymous said...

I'll say a Hail Mary for your salvation...

I suggest you do the same, Pee Pee Boy.

Daniel said...

At least you didn't have to defecate.

GMadrid said...

Great point Dan. That I would have corked.

Anonymous said...

That's certainly an interesting spin on a Chinese Fire Drill...