Thursday, December 21, 2006

We're taking bets that it is time to look back...

Hello WTBT readers!!! Thanks to everyone that has responded to my weekly questions. I am glad that you have enjoyed it. I especially am happy that some of you randomly answer some weeks. It is good to know that the questions made you think a little. Keep it up. This week's questions are fun and simple. Remember to invite others because the more the merrier!!!

A. Did you ever have a crush on one of your teachers?

B. Did you have a favorite lunchbox as a kid? Do you wish you carried a cool lunch box to work today?

C. What was your favorite thing about the summer of 2006?


A. I absolutely did. Mrs. Spinelli in 3rd grade. The worst thing was she got married in May and we had a sub the rest of the year. Man I thought she was awesome. Probably the best teacher I ever had.

B. I did not have a lunch box as all of my lunches were in a brown paper bag. My parents really didn't like that extravagance, plus I would probably have lost it within a couple of days. I do wish I could have one today though. I would probably have a Red Sox one or a LOST one.

C. My favorite thing about summer '06 was all the time I got to spend at Ian's family cottage in RI. That is one of my favorite places in the world and whenever I am there it is comforting. I just hope '07 is as good as '06!!


Anonymous said...

A. Yes. Mr. Brunell my junior year in high school. He was young and preppy/nerdy, one of my favorite combinations. I remember he wore saddle shoes, and I loved that.

B. I think I only had 1-a care bear one. It always opened at the worst times-like on the bus and my thermos would roll out. So...brown bags after that. No, I don't want to carry anything else, I already have too much to bring to work.

C. I don't have a favorite thing to share.

Anonymous said...

A. No, I really never did. And - to be honest - I got creeped out by the kids that did. "That person is old enough to be your mom/dad" kind of a thing.

B. As a kid my favorite lunchbox was my Rainbow Brite lunchbox. Now I just have an insulated lunch bag - BUT - when I was working at Jay Engineering a couple of years ago, I DID have a Green Eggs & Ham lunchbox that I got at a nostalgia store. That was fun.

C. Summer 2006? Probably the Seed wedding, but I guess that was technically spring. Oh I know. When my parents visited from Tennessee and we brought them to see where we're going to get married. :)