Friday, December 08, 2006

We're taking bets that sometimes you are just going to smell...

Open Letter to Stinky MacOdor,

Dear Lady whose farts brought down a plane,

Farts happen and sometimes they are going to smell. It is a way of life. When you type the word farts into Google you will get almost 3 million websites dealing with farts. There is even a original Facts on Farts webpage. With all that being said why did you try to hide your farts?

I know you would have been looked at funny and people might even have snickered. I know that embarrassment is awful, but now a plane had to land because you lit a match. The whole world has seen the story that your farts brought down a plane. I thought that only people's fathers could do that.

I understand that people say light a match when they smell farts, but really that doesn't do anything but make things smell like sulfur. I am not really sure what is worse, but on a plane I would go with farts. I might be gross and make me gag, but I won't feel like there is a bomb on the plane. So if I have advice for you and any of my readers it would be this:

Now if anyone know how to make a fart bomb I don't want to hear about it. It is really gross and just unnecessary. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

1. The word "Fart" is funny if you use it over and over again.

2. Lighting a match is the worst thing. I hate when people do that. When they light matches to cover up farts, it makes me want to kick them in the butthole.

3. That may stop them from farting all together, depending on what shoes I have on.

4. I'm wondering what kind of farts your father has, and where he was going when the plane had to land.

5. Only a boy would say, "Farting is fun".

GMadrid said...

You might lose a shoe. Ick.

Oh no I mean by take down a plane I mean take down a plane. As in incapacitating the pilot and crew. LOST all over again.

Anonymous said...

As soon as this article came across at work, I printed it out and we had a good laugh (we all have news feeds for "airline" and "aerospace", so naturally this one came up). So silly... :)