Wednesday, December 20, 2006

WTBT Volume 80 Series 2006...

We're taking bets that...

* New England is boring in the winter without any snow.
* it's not even winter and I am already complaining.
* inexperienced travelers should be not allowed to travel without a buddy.
* thankfully airport x-rays do not give off dangerous levels of radiation.
* after seeing Miss USA cry you are glad that Trump gave her a second chance.
* she was only drinking underage like over 70% of the population her age in college.
* doesn't make it right, but true none the less.
* AI will be the answer to the Denver Nuggets woes.
* the inflatable Frosty, Santa's, snowglobes, etc. are annoying, but not enough to stab them with a screwdriver.
* sometimes reporters have too much fun writing their stories.
* Bode Miller is on a Super G mission.
* Saturday Night Live has slowly made a huge comeback and the Digital Short with Justin Timberlake was hysterical. (Be careful it is the uncensored version.)
* this just seems a little too gross from my tastes and I love mashed potatoes.
* the Phoenix Suns might not lose again in 2006.
* the Scottish must be easy to beat in a war because a cold wind really would be their undoing.
* any conversation about grandma and sex is just not right.


Anonymous said...

1st-cut a hole in a box...

Anonymous said...

I've heard of Jello Wrestling, and I can kind of understand that. But... mashed potato wrestling... BLECH!!!

GMadrid said...

Nice Lisa. Nice.

Danielle, I bet it smelled good though.

Anonymous said...

OK fair... but can you imagine if it were GARLIC mashed? They'd reek for a week! :)