Tuesday, December 19, 2006

We're taking bets that some people are boneheads...

Here is my list of the biggest boneheads of 2006. Some of them are celebrities and some of them are politicians. Normal people did stupid things to, but it is less fun to pick on them.

13. Any athlete who thinks that they are above the law or shouldn't get fired for stupidity. Terrell Owens is the leader of this group.
12. O.J. Simpson - A book on how you would of killed Nicole. Come on man!
11. Dick Cheney - You shot your friend in the face and he apologized. Nice work.
10. Pope Benedict - Not a good speech on Muslims. Not good at all.
9. Nicole Ritchie - You finally admit you have an eating issue and then you get pulled over for DUI. What's next becoming friends with Paris again? Oops.
8. Mark Foley - Your e-mail can be tracked buddy. Pedophiles are just not cool. 17 isn't the new 18.
7. Isiah Thomas - You are the worst coach and GM of the worst team in the NBA. Then you go and start a fight in a basketball game by sending in the goon squad. When is someone going to stop you?
6. K-Fed - How can you screw that up dude? She's hot. She's talented and she is rich. You are none of those things. See you on Surreal Life 2010.
5. Michael "Kramer" Richards - Anger doesn't lead to racism. Racists lead to racism.
4. Spinach and Lettuce - Um no one wants to eat you even though you are supposed to be healthy. How about getting rid of the E-coli.
3. Ryan Phillipe - Cheating on Reese might be the stupidest thing I ever heard. You couldn't go to counseling or something.
2. George W. Bush - Even with a huge report telling you that you've screwed up Iraq you will still stay until the job is finished. Do you even know what that means.
1. Mel Gibson - I couldn't believe that someone beat out GWB, but you took the cake this year. At least you didn't have a love child. Um oh yeah. Forget I said that.


Anonymous said...

You're a funny man.

I was going to write which one's I thought were funny, but there were too many. So instead, I'll say that I love that Spinach and Lettuce have a place on this list.

...how about getting rid of the E-Coli.

Haaa haaaa haaaaaa

Anonymous said...

If K-Fed doesn't end up on Surreal Life, I'll be shocked. I think that he and OJ Simpson could easily be on the same show and offer great entertainment. :)