Monday, December 18, 2006

WTBT Volume 79 Series 2006...

We're taking bets that...

* Time Magazine's Person of the Year needs to lose a little weight.
* the cure to any offensive problems is playing the Houston Texans.
* you are going to think twice about climbing a mountain in the snow.
* J.D. Drew's shoulder is going to be a huge problem for the Red Sox.
* this guy got off easy and I think his punishment should be to park in the furthest parking spot available for 5 years.
* T.O. should be forced to take a time-out from football for spitting at another player.
* all I do not want for Christmas is a pet boa constrictor.
* hard work and almost 80 years can earn you a college degree.
* if you haven't seen the dancing traffic cop you need to find it on YouTube.
* the Eagles might actually make some play-off noise.
* losing your silver medal is the least of your worries when you fail a gender test.
* We Are Marshall will be the most heartbreaking and heartwarming film in decades.
* the National Brawl Association (NBA) just keeps getting black-eyes.
* you might say you don't want to see Rocky Balboa, but a small part of you thinks it will be a good movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for 'posting' at 7am. It helps with the boredom.