Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We're taking bets that in 2007 we need some open-mindedness...

Open Letter to all who feel being gay is immoral

Dear General Pace, Tim Hardaway, most clergy, and others who struggle with gays in the world,
I am proud to be a heterosexual male. There is nothing wrong with that. At the same time if I was a homosexual male I would have every right to be proud of that fact too. It is who I am and not a lifestyle choice. You didn't choose to be heterosexual and neither did they choose to be homosexual. You are warranted your opinion, but I truly believe that you do not under stand the facts.

The homosexual community is here to stay. They have always been here to stay. Whether you agree with it or not this is a fact. I think that you now need to deal with that fact instead of pushing your values on them. When has someone ever pushed the homosexual agenda on the hetrosexuals? Marriage? Do you hear the gay community complaining that most straight marriages end in divorce so we should take it away from them? Equal Rights? Well women and the black community are still working to achieve that. Are they immoral for wanting equal rights? Just because they seem different than you doesn't make them wrong or not deserving of everything you take for granted.

Immoral means "contrary to established moral principles." The only thing that has been has been established in the United States is we are the melting pot and are accepting of everyone. Front page news today is Britney Spears in rehab and Anna Nicole Smith's death. The fact that we are obsessed with that is morally wrong as a society, but it is accepted by today's standards. I am not telling anyone that they have to orgies with men and women to be accepting. I am just saying that you need to be open-minded.

The gay community is just as loving and caring as the straight community. They have the right to everything that straight people do. If marriage was sacred then over 50% of them wouldn't end in divorce. If children where only raised well by straight people then over 50% of our children wouldn't be medicated. Please try and look at the big picture. Dick Cheney doesn't say a word about the gay community because someone in his life is gay and has had a positive effect on him. Is that what it's going to take? I truly hope not. Maybe just a little open-mindedness from our leaders. Heck if we could get that maybe we wouldn't be in this war, but that is a topic for another time.

1 comment:

the Book of Keira said...

I would just like to say Thank you for writing this post. Although I am also a heterosexual, I feel these words need to be said and said often. With so much unhappiness and violence in the world, I find it madness that anyone should try to stop people from loving one another or from having good, strong, healthy relationships. I support anyone who has the ability to love and care for another person no matter what their sexual preference. What heteros do in the bedroom is not my business and neither is it my business what homosexuals do. When people connect and love one another they are slowly changing the world and it's future. It makes me sick when people try to stop such a thing especially as they are at the same time promoting violence by an unnecessary and dishonest war. Our government loves to talk about how we have liberated another country who has been ripped apart with violence from within but then they sit and try to discourage love and unity in our own country.The violence against women and minorities is no different than promoting gays as awful. Hitler's ideas about Jews being bad for the human race is no different than the bigotry we are seeing now against the gay community. Just let people love.... the more who are affected, the better.