Monday, April 30, 2007
WTBT Volume 34 Series 2007...
* Quinnipiac University May Weekend is out of effing control.
* sometimes is it better to be a follower than a leader.
* Randy Moss is going to look mighty nice in a Patriots uniform.
* he will win a Super Bowl before he gets in trouble with the Patriots.
* it would be most excellent to see the Mavericks get bounced in the first round of the play-offs.
* Bay Area Californians have a tough commute this morning.
* sometimes you will do anything for love.
* it is awful that they had to tell us about the fact that his girlfriend was trying to dump him.
* being drunk in the US wouldn't get you out of a wedding.
* the brother really was a bad wingman.
* Brady Quinn is going to make secondaries pay for not drafting him higher.
* the Cleveland Browns will be a good team in 2 more years.
* this is why you cannot make rollercoasters out of Legos.
* no matter how early it is in the season it does make me happy to see the Yankees in the cellar of the division.
* pregnant women can be a little bit cranky, but this is ridiculous.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
We're taking bets that you enjoy games...
A. What was your favorite game as a child?
B. What childhood game do you think that as an adult you would be a champion?
C. What is dumbest thing you have done lately?
A. I was a big fan of Hide and Go Seek. I loved to hide in the most intricate spaces that were close to the person seeking. It was a rush when they were right next to you, but they didn't know where you were.
B. I think that I would be awesome at Memory. I loved the game as a kid, but I never did that great. I think I have greatly improved my memory skills and would dominate others.
C. Yesterday, I spaced out while conducting an interview and asked the same question that one of my colleagues had already asked. What I doofus I am!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
We're taking bets that there are interesting things to know...
1. Water is needed for a duck race on a creek. Without water it is a duck drop and it is a little muddy. Please pray for an hour of rain for me today.
2. Rosie O'Donnell is leaving The View and Barbara Walters is probably jumping for joy. Rosie was great, but at the same time completely crazy. She needs to stick to comedy and not social commentary.
3. The classesUSA and Mortgage ads with people dancing that you see on websites are creepy and very distracting. What the hell is going on with that? They make me not want to click on your site for fear of seeing more bizarre dancing.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
WTBT Volume 33 Series 2007...
* calling parents about their student's behavior is a tough thing to do.
* if this story doesn't make you go "aww" there is something wrong with you.
* Heroes was definitely well worth the wait.
* Sebastian Telfair will never be in a Celtic uniform again.
* cinnamon rolls will get you every single time.
* Sanjaya is going to milk his 15 minutes of fame for all he is worth.
* even scientists can have a sense of humor.
* there is nothing like a bowl of ice cream on a hot day.
* sometimes you really just need a nap.
Monday, April 23, 2007
WTBT Volume 32 Series 2007...
* sometimes a delayed flight can screw-up your entire day even if you aren't on the flight.
* people love frozen desserts.
* at least one in three men are going to be bullied at least once in there life.
* really I made that statistic up, but it seems true to me.
* keeping a positive attitude can be tough when you are a Yankee fan this week.
* it's going to be fun seeing Paulie Walnuts get knocked off.
* sometimes going back to classes is the only way life will be normal.
* going for 50 points is the only way Kobe can help the Lakers beat the Suns.
* once you see this video you will have a new respect for Miss America contestants.
* not even I want to touch the Alec Baldwin phone call to his daughter.
* even 80+ degree weather doesn't help when you get bad news.
* I can't even fathom what this guy has been through and I am glad DNA evidence is able to make his life a little better.
* a blind person could have seen Eric Gagne going on the DL for the Texas Rangers.
* mating tigers and other animals seem to get too much press time.
* someone is going to have to explain to me why I only have 24 hours in a day.
* another year another collapse by the Dallas Mavericks.
* doing a crossword puzzle correctly can be a great feeling.
* Long Island is pretty long and this lady would know.
* Heroes is on tonight and you are so excited you might pee.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
We're taking bets that Hottie of the Week...

Friday, April 20, 2007
We're taking bets that you always have to be prepared...
Thursday, April 19, 2007
We're taking bets that you can be picky...
A. Almost every kid has an issue with some food or how something should be prepared. What was your thing about food as a kid?
B. Everyone has a little OCD. What has to be exactly in it's place either in your office or at home?
C. Are you happy Sanjaya was voted off American Idol? Upset? Didn't care?
A. I could not stand when my food touched. My parents had to get me plates with the compartments because I would not eat it if something touched another food. It seems very strange to me now.
B. I need to have my magic 8 ball put back in the same place. I like where it is and it is easily accessible so when people pick it up and then don't put it back in the right place I get antsy.
C. I am very happy even though I have not watched American Idol much this season. It is a talent contest and it clearly was being compromised because it became a screw with American Idol contest.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
WTBT Volume 31 Series 2007...
* if you are an Irish cab driver in China you might get fired.
* Dice-K has not pitched badly in his two losses.
* Sanjaya making it another week on Idol will turn that show into the biggest scam on TV.
* you have to admire all colleges and sports teams for their speedy memorials and tributes to Virginia Tech.
* NBA refs have learned you don't mess with Tim Duncan.
* you think our media is tough, but being a Prince in England is even worse.
* sometimes people are just classless idiots, but to use pizza in your idiocy is just wrong.
* Vince Young of the Titans will most likely get hurt this season because of the Madden video game curse.
* if your bidet is smoking you should get checked.
* even if you don't like basketball it will be fun watching the Clippers and Warriors fight for the 8th playoff spot.
* having recently seen a baby rhino this is even more of an outrage.
* poachers should be sent into a high populated carnivorous animal area without any weapons and see how they fair.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
WTBT Volume 30 Series 2007...
* only one person should be blamed from the VT Tragedy and that is the shooter.
* a rainy Boston Marathon is still a fun time for everyone in Boston.
* you wished you had Monday off for Patriot's Day.
* oddly enough he was able to make our lawn look like an American Flag.
* 24 has gone in a really weird direction this season.
* if Broduer isn't on his game the Devils have no chance of winning.
* Valley Girl Britney is all the rage.
* Soriano's hamstring injury could lead to year 100 of the Cubs curse.
* this story's headline scared me and I was glad to know it was only because of animals.
* I am not sure that makes it much better.
* Yankees/Red Sox part 1 starts this weekend and the media frenzy will be crazy when Dice-K and Matsui meet.
* only fans from Boston and New York care about this series in April.
* if this lady can't wait in line because of irritable bowel syndrome then I can't wait in line because I have ants in my pants.
Monday, April 16, 2007
We're taking bets that tragedy can bring out even crazier people...
Phillip Van Cleave you are an evil little man. He is the president of the Virginia Civil Defense League and he released a statement immediately after the Virginia Tech tragedy. ran an excerpt from his statement on his site.
Excerpts from Van Cleave's e-mail with the subject title: "VA-ALERT: Gun-control claims lives at Virginia Tech"
"As most of you know VCDL has been pushing hard to change Virginia law to allow college and university students with concealed handgun permits to be able to carry a gun on campus for self-defense. ... We could not get the bills out of subcommittee."
"The General Assembly turned a deaf ear to allowing college and university students to be able to protect themselves and here we are today :-( "
"ENOUGH OF ELITIST BALONEY FROM COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES! If just ONE of those victims had been armed, this most probably would have turned out very differently".
Just what we need more guns on campus and maybe we should give free alcohol to minors. Kindergardeners have a chance to be threatened so teachers should carry concealed Glocks as well. Instead of 33 people dead there would have been 100 people dead if there were concealed weapons all over Virginia Tech. I am in support of the 2nd amendment, but this guy is freaking ridiculous. You have the right to bear arms because in the 1700s you had a better chance of being attacked by a bear or coyote or the British. That isn't the case today. Educational institutions are not a place for handguns and freely allowing them would just cause chaos. Mr. Van Cleave if you ever want to spend a Friday night on a college campus I will show you what it is like, but leave your gun at home.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
WTBT Volume 29 Series 2007...
* sometimes it is not smart to insult a police officer or just about anyone in authority to their face.
* even if you don't like the Mets you have to be rooting for Tom Glavine to get to 300 wins.
* hopefully Don Imus will drift into obscurity and continues to help children with cancer on his ranch in New Mexico
* it kills you that crazy old men like Don Imus marry beautiful young women that are at least 20 years older than the women.
* Kobe scoring 50 points probably means the Lakers are going to lose.
* getting even with an ex-girlfriend can go a little too far.
* the guy should have done it old school and just wrote her name and phone number in bar bathroom stalls.
* Karl Rove's missing e-mails do not shock anyone who has half a brain.
* Karl Rove is as dirty as they come.
* the new set of the Daily Show is pretty schnazzy.
* in the wake of Kurt Vonnegut's passing more people from the current generation should read
Thursday, April 12, 2007
We're taking bets that you were defined by something...
A. What event do you feel defined your childhood? (Like the attack of Pearl Harbor defined people from age 70 and older)
B. What experience or event defines you now?
C. What 3 things do you think of when you think "spectacular"?
A. For me it has to be the explosion of the Challenger. Back then everyone watched the shuttle being launched and school came to a standstill when it exploded. It seemed like it was a big joke or we were all dreaming. It was the first realization that we had as kids that bad things really happen in real life.
B. My first job and meeting my students. I knew at that moment I was meant to work with college students and would for the rest of my life.
C. Beach Sunset
Fenway Park
Full Moon on a clear night
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
WTBT Volume 28 Series 2007...
* you should always appreciate housekeepers whether it is at your job or somewhere else because they make you look good and you don't even know it.
* coyotes better beware of wily 11 year old boys.
* the 2007 NFL schedule is out and there is some exciting early match-ups.
* you are excited about a new episode of LOST tonight.
* I would have taken this class in college in a second.
* Opening Day at Fenway was a huge success!!!
* Brendan Donnelly never should have hit a Seattle Mariner after the almost brawl.
* Larry Birkhead will do everything he can to keep his daughter from Anna Nicole's mother.
* you still think the Duke lacrosse players were guilty of something even if it wasn't rape.
* it's not the Pepsi Challenge, but at least animals are getting a choice.
* Dice-K vs. Ichiro will be the most watched event in Japan ever.
* sometimes you just need to give up on the ATM machine and think about your prosthetic.
* it is nice and fun to surprise someone.
* stealing from a cancer charity may be the lowest of the low.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
WTBT Volume 27 Series 2007...
* there are not many greater days in Boston than Opening Day at Fenway Park.
* you wonder whatever happened to Shania Twain.
* Don Imus is an ass and he always has been.
* his suspension was well deserved and a little too lenient.
* Kevin Durant would look great in Celtic green.
* you have got to respect Rev. Run and his family for their decisions.
* you are real glad that baseball season has started except if you live in Cleveland.
* it is amazing that baseball was cancelled for 4 days in Cleveland due to the cold and snow.
* you are shocked that some schools are just having their first non-segregated prom.
* the Sopranos final season has started off a little slow, but it has a lot of potential.
* this is a real life hero story.
* the Lakers might get swept in their playoff series.
* Friday Night Lights season finale is a must see on Wednesday.
* Al Gore is a good speaker, but if you have seen the movie you don't want to see him do the speech live.
* the Office this past week was HILL AIR EEE US!!!