Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We're taking bets that holidays don't stop crazy...

Here are a few of my observations over the last few days...

* Miley Cyrus spoke to Oprah about what it was like to grow up. Um... she is only 15. Can she quite understand what it is like to grow up? Hell I am not even sure I know what it is like to grow up yet. She is going to head for problems in her late teens/early twenties I can feel it.

* We keep finding giant fossils of animals that exist today. Do you think at some point the big animals are going to come back and eat us all? I think it might happen.

* Forgetting to buy beer never allows you to shoot a goat. You might sleep with a goat if you had too much beer, but that is it. He should have shot his wife at least she had done something wrong. - SIDENOTE - At no point am I advocating domestic violence, but the innocent goat had nothing to do with his beer issues. Really he should have shot himself in the nuts so he could be the little baby he was being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greg, you have missed the point completely:

the man came back from a hunting trip, there were four shots fired, yet only one goat died. the other goat had been hurt but not killed which is why the officer had to finish it off.

what is this man doing out hunting in the wild if he cant kill two domestic goats with four shots from a shotgun?