Thursday, November 01, 2007

We're taking bets that you love falling back...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I cannot believe that it is November already. Time flies when you are having fun. Lots of things going on in my world, so it has been tough to blog. I hope that doesn't mean you will stop reading. I hopefully am back on the horse. Answer my questions and invite others. Have a great day and I will talk to you all soon!!!

A. It is time to turn back the clocks this weekend. Do you think this is a good process or should we get rid of it?

B. What is your favorite color of leaf during the fall?

C. We are just about a year away from the presidential election. Who do you think should be president next?


A. I really enjoy the changing of the clocks. It is great that we can have more daylight that way.

B. I really like red leaves. They are the most vivid and make me appreciate New England because you don't see them down South.

C. I think it probably should be Hilary Clinton at this point because she has made the most sense to me and she will have Bill by her side at tough times. It is always great to have someone who did a job to give you advice when you need it. I do believe that once it gets into the primary time I might change my mind as I will have more information to make a true decision.


Anonymous said...

A. It doesn't bother me any - as long as I remember :-)

B. Orange leaves are my favorite. You don't see much orange in nature other than the leaves in fall.

C. I haven't really made a decision between Obama and Clinton. I think that Clinton has more tangable experience at this point so I think I am leaning her way.

WOW - I am usually a day late and a dollar short with your questions...I am NEVER first!

Have a great weekend Greg.

GMadrid said...

Hey Liz,

Thanks for the answers!! I hope all is well. Talk to you soon.

Danielle Athanas said...

A. I don't really have an opinion on it either. I think if I were a farmer, I might be able to better tell you my thoughts. :)

B. Mixed. I think that the trees as a whole look awesome when there's a good balance of red, yellow, and orange on the horizon.

C. As hard as it will be I won't wax political and spout my opinions. I think that Rudy Giuliani should be the next president. I like where he stands on just about every issue and I think that he's got the ability to run the country and get us back where we need to be. Ask me again once the primaries are all over and we know who the two up there will definitely be.

Maggie Moo said...

A. I think it's dumb unless you're a farmer.

B. I like the different shades of reds but really I like 'em all.

C. I don't know yet.

GMadrid said...

Danielle - We may be in a fight due to Guiliani. 9/11 much? But we can agree to disagree. :)

Danielle Athanas said...

We can agree to disagree. We're too polar on the topic, it's not worth it. :)

none123456 said...

a. It gives us a fun lil "fall back spring forward" thingy to quote.

b. Oranges...

c. I think Hillary / Obama would be a great combo......and I think the Clinton's as a team can hit home for the AVERAGE Joe who can identify with makig mistakes in life and finding forgiveness...we're all only human!