Thursday, December 06, 2007

We're taking bets that it is hard to come up with titles every Thursday...

Hey WTBT readers!!! I am sorry for being MIA over the last three days. Busy times for me this week and sometimes the blog has to suffer. Thankfully I am back. Look for my first top '07 list tomorrow. I hope you enjoy today's questions. Hopefully at least five of you can respond.

A. You're having dinner with people you respect and admire. They all criticize a close friend of yours (not knowing he/she is a friend). The criticism is unjustified. What would you do?

B. If I swap your pen for one exactly the same without telling you is that stealing?

C. Who is your favorite movie thief/robber?


A. I would probably interrupt everyone and explain that I know the person and do not think their criticism is correct. Usually most people would be embarrassed and stop the conversation, but I would welcome a debate if need be.

B. No because you would benefit from more ink. So actually it was like gift-giving.

C. I would have to say Butch Cassidy. Especially of when he blew up the train car into kindling. Great personality that you never wanted to get caught.


BMS said...

A. I would, without being hostile, talk about the person's good points until everyone asks me if the person being criticized is my friend. I then would respond "yes they are", which would hopefully end the rudeness. If it did not end, I would be more than willing to engage in a debate/argument.

B. I do believe that it is stealing, because though the pen may be exactly the same (crazy to think of), it will not have the same sentimental value to me if I find out at some point that it was not the original. It's like when a child finds out that they were adopted, they often look at their "new" parents differently.

C. My favorite thief/burglar would have to be the Fratelli Family from the Goonies. They just make me smile, specifically Mama Fratelli and how it sounds like she has been smoking cigarettes since she was in the womb.

GMadrid said...

BS - Awesome Goonies reference. I didn't think about the sentimental value of the pen. Good point.

Maggie Moo said...

A. I'd totally let them say all they have to say and then I'D say, "That's a very interesting take on her/him. I'll have to discuss with with her/him tomorrow when we are having mani's/pedi's." And then I'd walk away. Yes. I would.

B. What color is the pen?

C. Robin Hood. He proves that bad is sometimes good.

Danielle Athanas said...

A. I'd stick up for the person if it's unjustified. If it's justified that's another story - even my friends have faults, but still I would try to spin it so it's not in a negative light. Everyone deserves a fair shot. :)

B. Uhm... yes. It's only a good deed if you're replacing it with a newer/full version. And even then, I'd say refills are better. What if the pen you stole was my crayon pen that my friend Laura gave me for my birthday? I might be upset. But if you gave me the exact same refills... that might be good. :)

C. Steve suggested and I immediately agreed - Danny Ocean from Ocean's 11 (12... and 13). Specifically George Clooney, because I haven't seen the original. But that's a good one. So I agree. :)

Anonymous said...

1. I would definitely interject and argue to defend the other (shocker!)
2. It's not "stealing" if you're leaving's borrowing or SWAPPING!
3. I like Pierce Brosnan in the Thomas Crown Affair...yummy... :)
4. P.S. I think...the PEN IS BLUE!!

Anonymous said...

I have had this happen, but everyone else knew this person on a different level, so I just stated the good points I see in through the way in which I know her and left it at that. Nothing else I could have done.

For me it depends on the pen. If it is a really nice one then yes it is stealing, but if it is just a 'bic' type pen, then I would not have a problem with it.

My favorite theif, in keeping with the season, is the Grinch. Especially because he gives everything back in the end.

GMadrid said...

Mags - Nope you would not.

Danielle - Ocean's 13 is my favorite of the Trilogy.

Anon & Mags - The pen is metallic green

Liz - Great choice with the Grinch.

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