Monday, January 10, 2011

We're taking bets that we have stuff to think about...

Here are a few things to contemplate. Debate them here or talk with friends, family and colleagues. We don't really talk about things any more so I thought I would throw out a few fun topics.

* Is freedom of speech starting to become too big a risk in our society? I think freedom of speech is what makes the US the greatest place in the world, but when it is accompanied by violence it is no longer free speech.

* What makes a genius head coach in football? Is it a head coach who gets his team to execute his game plan perfectly or a head coach who has a perfect game plan that even executed badly can still work?

* What is a scarier disease that has no cure currently? Alzheimer's or All Cancers. To debate it would be stupid, because they are both awful, but I think I am more scared of the former.

* Is there really a price of gas where you won't drive anymore? I think that having a car gives us more freedom than we ever imagined possible. I cannot imagine giving up driving under any circumstances, which I know is financially crazy. Maybe if gas gets to $5 I will pause before going somewhere.


Kate said...

Alzheimer's scares the crap out of me.

As for gas prices, my price was 4 bucks. after that I began to carpool, ride my bike, and take the transit.

GMadrid said...

I do everything I can to combat Alzheimer's. Word puzzles, reading, taking a different way home. I can't imagine not remembering my loved ones.