Thursday, March 09, 2006

We're taking bets that everyone's comfort level is different...

Hi everyone. (When I say everyone I mean the 10 loyal readers I have.) I hope that you are enjoying the first week of March. Today is as always question day. Please post your answers in the comments section. I think the questions are definitely fun today. It will be good to see male/female perspectives. Enjoy.

A. Fact or Fiction: When a girl first meets a guy, she'll decide within 15 minutes how far she'll let him go sexually. Why?

B. Why would a guy that a female met on the train not ask her out after two weeks of conversations? He's nice, single, and straight... and he seems to be interested in her.


A. I think that this is 100% true. I don't think that means necessarily that night, but if a girl doesn't see it happen ever then it probably won't ever happen. Girls are much more particular than men and see even the smallest flaws that would stop them from being physical.

B. Probably because he is shy and afraid of rejection. Most of the times it ends up that the male has to do the asking. That means that most of the time the men are getting rejected. It is a real tough thing to take and a lot of men shy away from asking or wait for the ultimate sign. (Whatever that is.)


Anonymous said...

A. Fiction, at least for me anyways. When I was "in the dating scene", as it were, I can honestly say I never really thought about that. Directly, anyways. I mean, I guess I thought about "OK, he's attractive" or "He's completely a yutz", but I never thought anything like "Damn, I could let him tap that ass". I've always been more of a go-with-the-flow... IF I was even attracted to the guy to begin with.

B. Shy. Completely and utterly shy. Worried about the "just friends" barrier. Fear of rejection - especially since they still have to see each other on the train every day. Women, in general, either need to hold up a big sign that says "ASK ME OUT, STUPID!" or just start doing the asking. Chivalry isn't dead, but it's quivering in the corner because women have made it scared. :-)

Anonymous said...

1. NOT TRUE! Girls don't automaticlly imagine or NOT imagine a guy in the sac within the first 15..or even kissing him, within the first I say NOT SO...

2. Maybe he has a girlfriend but just likes to flirt? Just a conversationalist? Maybe just being polite?

Anonymous said...

A. I think this is mostly UNTRUE but sometimes can also be true. The true part comes into play, I think, when a guy is nasty-I'd say within 1 minute I'd decide I wouldn't go ANYWHERE with him sexually. And also, there are times when someone is just very cute and charming that you'll think, Yup-I'd totally kiss him right now...but otherwise..not true.

B. Maybe he's a mute. Could happen.

P McT said...

A)I wanted to say this was fact, but after really thinking about it I realized that the although I may immediately find a guy, or characteristics about a guy attractive, I rarely sum him up for doing the "nasty" right then and there.

B) I think he is shy or intimidated, and of course the girl feels its not her place to prompt him. Its such a viscious cycle!