Wednesday, March 08, 2006

We're taking bets that Fire Marshal Bill is never around when you need him...

So I was a junior fire fighter at 4:00 am. Someone put a cigarette in a trash can full of paper outside of my building. Thankfully one of my students informed me, while I was doing paperwork in my office. (Don't ask why I was in my office that late/early) I grabbed a fire extinguisher and put it out. It wasn't a huge blaze. The fire was completely engulfing the inside of the trash can and has made the trash can useless. If you have never used a fire extinguisher I suggest you do. You never know when the time might come when you need to and you can't figure out how to pull the pin or how far you should be away while you spray it. Thankfully my years in Residence Life kept me calm, cool and collected. Though it did make me anxious after the fact, because if the student never noticed it and I was not up the front of the building probably would have been on fire. Weird how this can work them selves out. Just in case any of you were wondering what I looked like putting out the fire I have included the picture below. Enjoy!