Thursday, March 08, 2007

We're taking bets that everyone has a dream job...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I hope that everyone is enjoying the month of March. It always seems to sneak up on me. We are preparing to head into Spring Break, which is always great times. It will be nice to be sans students for a little while before the busy month of April is upon us. Below are some fun questions that I know everyone will enjoy. Invite friends to post. You can always be anonymous.

A. If you had to substitute teach for 3 months what grade would you choose and why?

B. If you could be a professional athlete in any sport what would it be and why?

C. What was your dream job as a kid?


A. I would teach kindergarten because I think kids love school at that point. It is new and exciting to them. Plus I think I would be a pretty kick ass teacher for the kids. It's the teddy bear side in me.

B. I would be a baseball player and probably a pitcher. I have loved baseball practically from the time I entered this world. There is nothing to compare to playing catch or striking someone out.

C. I really wanted to be a fire fighter because they had the coolest trucks. I am not too sure I wanted to fight fires, but I really just wanted to ride the truck. :)


Tom said...

-I think I would want to teach like juniors or seniors in high school. its a tough age, but you can joke around with the kids, and my substitute teachers in high school just basically sat there and read the newspaper and got paid.

-I would want to play in the NHL. Like you, I've played hockey for a long time, so it always was a dream of mine.

-Hmm, I think I wanted to be a scientist. That was the inner geek in me coming out.

Michelle King said...

A. I'd teach high school because they are the ones who often need to feel like someone cares. They can be tough, but oh so worth it! (I have taught all ages and they are all fun in their own way)

B. I would be a basketball player. I love the sport and still play with a group of guys when I get the chance. Now if only I could dunk...

C. I wanted to be a marine biologist from about the time I was about 9. I always loved the water and just about anything in it fascinated me. It was only as the end of university was nearing that I decided I didn't want to continue the school thing, so I never followed up with the Master's required.

Anonymous said...

Quick break, but I couldn't miss Thursday Questions!

A. When I was studying to be a teacher I liked 3rd grade. They're still innocent enough to be sweet and silly but they can wipe their own butts. ;)

B. I'd also have to go with softball. If I were a man it would be baseball. I love everything about the way the game smells, sounds,'s a fantastic sport.

C. I always wanted to be a "cooker" as my mom has told me. I was always in the kitchen cutting stuff up and throwing it in a pot to see what it would make. Sometimes, life is good. ;)

Liz said...

1. I would teach 3rd or 4th grade. They are still interested in learning at that point and are not pushing the 'respect' limit yet.

2. Hmmm...professional sports. I think it would be soccer. For no other reason than that is the only sport I played competitively as a kid.

3. I don't think I ever dreamed of being anything in particular...There is a family story about me saying I wanted to be a pediotrist-psychotrist when I was about 6. I don't think I knew what either type of doctor was, I just like the way they sounded.

Danielle said...

A. I think I would want to teach like... 5th or 6th grade. I don't know why, just seems like what I'd want to do.

B. I would play for the Women's Professional Football League. And yes, they do have one. Tara Fay played for it.

C. I always wanted to be a teacher. Now I sell airplane parts. Go figure.

GMadrid said...

Tom - I could you see you being a scientist... an evil scientist. :)

Giddy - Not shocked you want to be a basketball player.

Lisa - Butt wiping is an important skill to learn.

Liz - Pediotrist sounds like a doctor that just looks at kids feet.

Danielle - I think you could be a little Tom Brady.

P McT said...

A. I would teach 6th graders, that usually around the age boys and girl start to notice each other and I would want to be around to try to plant the seed of how to be ladies and gentlemen!

B. I would be a professional speed skater cause I think they look cool in thier unitard and one swinging arm

C. Pediatric nurse, I wanted to keep babies healthy