Thursday, March 29, 2007

We're taking bets that you can do it anywhere...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I hope that everything is going well in your neck of the woods. I am preparing to head to Orlando for 9 days. 5 days for work/conference and 4 days for fun and relaxation. It should be fun times. I will be blogging sporadically, but I will be checking in. I have a few fun questions this week regarding some current issues in my world. I hope you enjoy. Please invite others to join in and enjoy the fun!!!

A. People seem to enjoy sex in public areas. Have you ever had sex in public and if so what was the thrill?

B. What is the last thing you changed your mind about and it affected others?

C. Would you rather be challenged by a teacher to think differently or challenged by a teacher with complex problems that have answers (ex. Math, etc)?


A. I have not had sex in public, but I have outdoors and at work. There really wasn't a threat of getting caught any of the times though. I am not sure the thrill of getting away with something is that worth it. I would obsess about getting caught.

B. I went into a judicial case thinking that I already knew the outcome and by the end of the meeting I was completely changed and was able to change my thinking for the better of the student. That is why you need to go into it conduct meetings with an open mind and hear the student before deciding.

C. I love to be challenged to think differently. I feel if I am taught how to do something I will be able to do that one thing again, but if I am taught to think differently I can do many things from a better place.


Anonymous said...

A. I have had sex in a public area and yes it was a thrill. It must have been the whole getting caught thing, but I was nervous. There weren't people around the area though.

B. Um....I'm not sure about this one. I guess the last thing I changed my mind on was to cook dinner instead of going out to dinner and the person ended up not really liking what I made. Perhaps my decision just left him hungry.

C. I would rather be challenged to think differently although when I complete complex problems I feel very accomplished.

the Book of Keira said...

Mornin', Greg!

1. I've had tons of sex in public places but not for any real reason. It's more like if we're in the mood, location won't stop us. For me, the thrill is knowing that I'm so hot (even though i'M NOT...LOL.)that my hubby has to have it RIGHT THEN! even though we could be caught. A woman likes to feel sexy and like a guy is just mad for her.

2. I tend to change my mind about myself a lot. If I'm having an argument with Dean-o or something I usually start out thinking I'm in the right. Then, after I hear his side of things, I'm pretty good at admitting I was wrong or was being unfair.

3. I'd rather just have a teacher who loves his/her job and truly cares for the students. I hate those teachers who have done it for so long that they just don't care anymore. I'm all about some free thinking, though.

GMadrid said...

Lisa - That is a shame that person didn't like your meal. They must be crazy.

108 - Excellent answer with regards to mood. Good for your husband!

Anonymous said...

A shame indeed. And yes, he is a bit crazy.

Danielle said...

A. Can't say as I have. I'mma 'fraidy cat. :)

B. I'm with 108 on this one... only instead of Dean-o it's with Steve. Same exact answer.

C. I would like a fair balance of each for me. I enjoy being challenged to think differently, but after a while of that my brain starts to fee like it might explode so I need a switch. At that point - bring on the problems that have answers. Complex as you can make 'em. But at some point with those, guess what? Yep - brain essplode. So I like the switch and balance. :)

death commish said...

A. Yes, I have. I think I was just thrilled to be having sex.

B. I just changed my mind about answering this question.

C. I like to be challenged to think differently about complex questions.

Michelle King said...

A. I have not had sex in a public area. Listening for returning roommates was enough of a mood killer in the past. I would rather put my full attention and energy into the moment.

B. I'm not even sure what to write for this one. Nothing dramatic has happened of late...

C. I like to be challenged to think differently. All of the teachers and coaches that have had any impact on me were the ones who knew how to do that.

BMS said...

Dear Greg,
Brian Simons here. I figured I should let you know that I was inspired by you over the course of the semester, as well as by Koren and Collegehumor to start my own blog. It is also through blogspot and is called Words of a Wiseguy. Feel free to check it out yourself and give me some feedback. I need to work on the layout as well as a format of posts. You seem to have crafted yours rather well, and I would appreciate the opinion of a seasoned blogger.

A. I have never had sex in a public area, but I bet it is pretty crazy. The whole adrenaline junkie thing comes to mind

B. The last thing I changed my mind about recently was how much disliked many of the objectives of the military. I hate wars in general, and when I was 18, vowed never to join the military because I was a recently converted semi-pacifist(not using violence unless my life is threatened or my friends are in danger)and did not want to be a part of killing other people. When changing my mind, it made a lot of people that I've spoken to about it truly understand my case and even feel similarly themselves. People see the war as a little bit unecessary, yet respect the troops for what they are trying to do over there.

C. I would very much rather be challenged to think differently. If you don't think differently, you almost retain a certain level of ignorance of cetain topics. Topics and issues are often many sided and complex, like rubik's cubes. Some people can solve them using algorithms and understanding, and some people just can't figure out the solution no matter how long they try.

BMS said...

I forgot to give you the link