Wednesday, May 30, 2007

We're taking bets that some things linger...

Here are a few interesting and important things...

1. The worst part of a cold/allergies is the linger aftereffects. The stupid tickles in your throat or the remaining phlem is just disgusting and bothersome.

2. The Yankees have officially declared they are afraid of the Red Sox by not pitching Clemens on Sunday. Anyone who says different is wrong because he will have over 5 days rest. Why did you pay him $28 million pro-rated if not to pitch in pressure cookers like Fenway Park?

3. Baby geese are perhaps one of the cutest animals that I have ever seen. They are awkward and fuzzy. They also are a weird yellowish black that makes them look like a bumblebee a little. How can you beat that cuteness?

1 comment:

Danielle said...

The Yankees are like the Brave Sir Robin of baseball. :)