Tuesday, February 19, 2008

WTBT Volume 13 Series 2008

We're taking bets that...

* Fidel Castro's retirement might actually mean we can get Cuban cigars legally again.
* Andy Pettitte is a stand up guy who made a huge mistake, but he has handled it a lot better than other people.
* the Will Farrell commercials for deodorant are hilarious.
* Old Spice cauterizes your sweat glands. :)
* the next Dancing with the Stars winner will probably be Steve Guttenberg.
* yes Steve Guttenberg is alive.
* Memphis vs. Tennessee in men's basketball will probably be the best regular season game of the season.
* the Devil Toad is pretty badass.
* Curt Schilling is probably right about his shoulder, but he should just shut up about it.
* stealing a urinal sensor is just going to make people pissed.
* Pakistan had some positive outcomes in it's election; I just hope that means something positive will come out of US elections.
* juicycampus.com is a scary website for college students to get involved with.
* busting 40 kids at one party for illegally drinking is not a lot anywhere else but South Dakota.
* Toad's Place, Hula Hanks and Hammer Jacks in New Haven, CT have at least 80 people illegally drinking on any given Thursday night.


Maggie Moo said...

I am really quite surprised that there is not a "TiVo is awesome" line.

Heck, I'm surprised you didn't write an entire post about it, really.

GMadrid said...

Mags - It is going to go with my LOST post on Thursday

Danielle Athanas said...

I might have to watch Dancing with the Stars this year simply because Penn is on it. That could be amusing as heck.

Tom said...

I think that 80 is a conservative estimate for those 3 clubs.

Anonymous said...

quinnipiac is not supported by juicy campus... also if devil toads can be trained to attack intruders then i am all for Jurassic Park style DNA cloning