Monday, August 17, 2009

WTBT Volume 5 Series 2009...

We're taking bets that...

* it is not fun out of the play-offs.
* sometimes you can be way too good at hiding.
* Hurricane season is here and it is going to be a good one.
* if you don't love the Little League World Series something is seriously wrong with you.
* I am shocked no one commented about my dissing of Dane Cook.
* Tiger is just not the same golfer he was before his injury.
* the biggest cupcake will probably not be the most moist cupcake.
* it is very weird how much women hate the word moist.
* it is almost as bad as Can't Understand Nothing Today.
* speaking of moist you should check out the moist towelette Museum.
* David Wright getting beaned was very scary.
* the world is backwards when a two year old cat can get a high school diploma and it takes me forever to get my master's degree.
* sometimes it is hard to decide which is the best risk to take.
* otters hate France; Brigitte France.
* it kind of makes me happy to hear Michael Vick cried in prison.
* I really am a nice guy, but every once in a while there is a little bit of mean in me.
* tax-free week in CT is super cool.
* people who dislike the word moist should really boycott Duncan Hines because they really embrace it.
* I bet you didn't think I was going to use moist again in this post.
* most of this blog is just to make me laugh.
* Top Chef and Project Runway premieres should make this a good week to watch TV again.
* it is very weird when on a Monday morning at 8:40ish there was a line at the liquor store and no one in Dunkin Donuts.

1 comment:

Maggie Moo said... changed your blog to blue. Interesting...

I do not dislike the word moist. In fact, everything that I associate with that word right off the bat are things the I love. It is weird to me that a girl would not like "moist".

I knew you broke up with Dane, so I was not shocked at your public declaration.

And I am SO EXCITED for Top Chef and Project Runway!!

And last but not least: I woke UP with Dream Weaver in my head! Gah!

(Have a superly awesome Monday!)