Saturday, March 12, 2005

We're taking bets that ABC's are easy...

A - Age you got your first kiss: 16
B - Band listening to right now: Raining Jane
C - Crush: Scarlett Johansson
D - Dad's name: Ronald
E - Easiest person[s] to talk to: Ian/Niamh
F - Favorite bands at the moment: Better Than Ezra, Papa Roach, Raining Jane, Switchfoot
G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy Bears
H - Hometown: South Windsor, CT
I - Instruments: Pan Flute or Nothing I am not sure, but since I have never tried to play the pan flute I might be a master at it.
K - Kids: Unknown - Hopefully none.
L - Longest car ride ever: Lowell, MA to Miami Beach, FL
M - Mom's name: Joan
N - Nicknames: GMad, Shadow, Dog
O - One wish: A smile on my face every day.
P - Phobia[s]: Death - I really am petrified to die.
Q - Quote: A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
R - Reason to smile: Working with Students
S - Song you sang last: A Lifetime by Better Than Ezra
T - Time you woke up [today]: 5AM
U - Unknown fact[s] about me: I am afraid to get older.
V - Vegetable you hate: Beets
W - Worst habit(s): Thinking I am always right.
X - X-rays you've had: Jaw, Head
Y - Yummy food: Sushi
Z - zodic sign: Virgo

Thanks to Vic for this blog idea.


Anonymous said...

OMG that is one of my favorite quotes!!! Herm Aubright is the person who said it if you are wondering (or at least thats who I think I remember it being)


Anonymous said...

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