Wednesday, March 09, 2005

We're taking bets you need to hear this band...

Fortunately tonight I was stranded in Western Mass due to the massive amounts of snow we got here. I say fortunately because I visited my best friend at WNEC and they had a band called Raining Jane playing which wasn't being cancelled.

They are four women from California that are fantastic musicians. (And each of them were hot in their own way.) They played and sang some unbelievable music. They use a cello and a cajon
which everyone needs to see being played. The drummer, Mona was great and she also was hilarious.

It was mostly their own, but they did a fantastic cover of Ani Difranco's "Both Hands" and a great job at covering the Beatles "Something". Their own music was wonderful. They did a song called "Big Girl" that had to do with no matter what a girl looks like she can feel like a big girl sometimes. They also do a great song that deals with internet love. (It is very funny.)

Everyone should take a listen to their music. I think that I know at least two people who would really like them in Shannon Seidel and Sara Strauhal. (I know you both like music & figured you guys should get a named heads up in this blog. Assuming you read this.) Hopefully this blog will enrich everyone out their musically. :)