Sunday, March 20, 2005

WTBT Volume 6...

We're taking bets that...

* it is important to have stamina.
* you never thought the West Virginia/Wake Forest game was never going to end.
* Sin City might be the best movie of the Spring.
* UW-Milwaukee might actually beat Illinois on Thursday.
* flaming cow dung can be dangerous.
* the Lakers will not make the NBA playoffs.
* if you don't watch Boston Legal you are really missing excellent Television.
* even though the Lebron James Powerade commercial isn't real it looks real cool.
* although no one is watching The Contender is actually a pretty tv show.
* Mark McGwire looked like a fool at the Senate hearings.
* UCONN was not ready to defend the national championship today.
* the Ring 2 wasn't as good as the first. Yeah right, like I would know I couldn't watch 5 minutes of the first one.
* it is a shame that the DeLorean wasn't a more popular car. It did look cool in back to the future.
* Lebron James may end his career as the best basketball player ever.
* after seeing the new trailer Star Wars is going to be kick ass.
* the Boston Celtics may make the most noise out of the Eastern Conference in the playoffs.
* you missed this website while I was gone. Even the people who say they don't read it. :)


Anonymous said...

I agree, Stamina is definetly very important!!!!!!!! HAHAHA

Daniel said...

I agree with you on "Boston Legal". William Shatner and James Spader deserve to win Emmys, imho.