Wednesday, March 30, 2005

We're taking bets that if I could hit her one more time I would...

Britney Spears has officially deteriorated to the most spoiled white trash person on the planet. I know you are probably thinking, "What about Paris Hilton?" Well yes she is as white trash as one of the people interviewed on TV after a hurricane, but not as bad as Britney. Britney is a complete freak.

She married Kevin Federline, who spends more time in his underwear than Jenna Jameson does naked. He is going to ride her coattails and fade into the sunset like J. Lo's ex-Chris Judd. They have become the King & Queen of white trash. Although he is much like Queen Elizabeth's husband was... just there to look pretty and dance.

Now she was quoted in Allure magazine talking about marriage.

"Everyone thinks you get married, and that's it, but you're still going to fight. You're still going to get mad and say, 'Pick up your damn shirt'. It's just that young thing of you know, 'Where do you want to eat tonight? Who's going to cook?' It becomes this whole thing of figuring each other out in the house. Before we got married, we were on tour, and we were just like kids, ordering room service, saying, 'Let's go out tonight'. And then all of a sudden you get home and you have the kids, you have the diapers, get the dogs to the vet. It's this whole reality, you know."Of course, Spears, unlike most newlyweds, can pay someone to take care of all that reality stuff ("Oh, I do," she says," but I like to be involved with it too.")

Why is she still talking like a ten year old? What gets me is that she says that she "has the kids" even though they are her husband's kids whom he left when the mother was 8 months pregnant with the second child. Plus you know that she isn't involved in the getting the diapers or taking the dog to the vet. I bet that she just buys a new dog instead of taking it to the vet and she lets Kevin shoot firecrackers at the sick dog.

Why is it that most teen stars have become creepy stars in their twenties? Christina became "Dirty", Lindsay hasn't even reached her twenties and she is sluttier than a dog in heat, and you know that Hilary Duff has something in her closet when she turns 21. Thank God for my favorite pop star Kelly Clarkson. She has shaken off that wholesome image and become a little edgier. Plus she is wicked hot. I can even forgive her for From Justin to Kelly.

Mine are Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tara Reid and Kevin Federline. The five of them could keep comedians like Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy in business for years. Imagine the jokes... Kevin Federline is so white trash he calls Britney "Dude" - Britney Spears is so white trash that if she offered you the shirt off her back you would say no thank you and give her a blanket to cover up.

I am just curious who are your top 5 White Trash people?


GMadrid said...

No one has a top five? I find that hard to believe. Maybe I am just writing for me. Could be. :)

Anonymous said...

hey greg,

I think my top 5 would be:

Christina Aguillera
Angelina Jolie
added to that, Billy Bob Thornton
Ben Affleck
Constantine Maroulis

Ok, so Christina has definitely crossed over into sluthood officially. At first she was sexy and had a cute body and stuff, now shes just trash.
Angelina Jolie is on here for the simple fact she kisses her brother.
Billy Bob Thornton just oozes trailer parkedness (is that a word).
Ben Affleck reminds me of those alcoholic dads who is going to beat their kids one day and then the mother is going to leave for a shelter. (where do i get this stuff :) )
OK OK so Constantine is on American Idol and hes not technically a celebrity. However, he is well known in the public right now. I thought he was cute at first and had an edge to him. Now I just think he's creepy, all the eyes he gives in the show. And for some reason he always looks cracked out. Anyway, maybe if he stopped trying to swoon people he wouldnt be such a creepasaurus rex!

Well Greg, fun blog, sux I'm the only one posting, I bet people have some good ones.

Love ya and miss ya,
Ang a.k.a. "Special"

P McT said...

OF COURSE I have a top 5 white trash!!
1) Tara Reid, the chick is just a HOTT Mess
2)the cast of Blue Collar Comedy, they crack me up
3)Pink, the girl can sing but something about her as always bothered me
4)McCauley Cullkin, though I must say I think Micheal Jackson had a hand in making him trashy
5)Britney Spears

Anonymous said...

Thanks "taking bets" Jenna is so hot ;)

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