Friday, November 17, 2006

We're taking bets that you love having a buddy...

Hello WTBT Readers!!! I am sorry this is late, but it has been a crazy week at the QU. I hope that you are all doing well and looking forward to turkey time. Any international readers I hope you enjoy some turkey too even though Thanksgiving isn't part of your country. I for one am tired of the drear that has occurred over the last 5 days. I crave the sun even though it blinds me in my office. I hope that you enjoy today's questions. I think they will allow for some fun and creativity. Ask others to answer. Make it a work thing.

A. People around the world love duos. Thelma & Louise, Calvin & Hobbes, Tango & Cash, Bill & Hillary just to name a few. What duo would you like to be the third in? Why?

B. If you are having Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday what food will you not eat that you typically have on your Thanksgiving table?

C. What part of your body do you itch the most?


A. I would love to be a part of the Snoopy, Woodstock, Greg Trio. Wouldn't it be awesome? I could help them torment the cat next door and they did some of the most fun things that I would now be a part of. Oh if only!

B. I refuse to eat gravy because it always has gross stuff in it that I do not want to know about. I would much rather eat non-lumpy gravy out of a can than the stuff my Mom makes. Don't get me wrong everything else is perfect.

C. For me I think it is my nose. I have a weird feeling that in a past life I was addicted to cocaine and that is why it itches.


Anonymous said...

You need a comment. I will answer these later.

Anonymous said...

1. I would love to be an addtion to the Jerry / George duo (although it might be considered a quartet if you include Elaine and Kramer). They're just too bizzarre and you would NEVER run out of interesting topics, EVER.
2. Creamed Celery - it's yummy, but my mum is the only one who makes it.
3. I think my head or my left hand between the pinky and ring finger. Just out of frustration, not for itchiness' sake.

Anonymous said...

1. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid... with a Mica in there I bet we could have lived in the end
2. As much as I like it when I eat it, cranberry sauce kinda sketches me out. I usually abstain.
3. I don’t see how any guy can not answer "my crotch". Maybe I am the odd one, but that’s definitely it for me.

Anonymous said...

A. I know they aren't famous, but I'd say, "My sisters". Moving away to Florida really pushed me out of the loop and being that I'm so much older...well...I'm not in their little sister clique.

B. Mashed turnips. Ick.

C. My real answer is nose. But since you already took it, I'll say armpit. I'm not making it up, it sometimes does itch.

Anonymous said...

A. Hrmmm... what a good question here. I'm going to say that I'd love to be a third for Al Michaels and John Madden. I think that could be kind of fun. :)

B. I will not eat any brussel sprouts if they're there. I know it's pretty stereotypical, but I hate brussel sprouts. Blech.

C. Behind my knees. I think it's the way I shave my legs, but they ALWAYS itch. Random, I know. :)

GMadrid said...

Anon - I have never heard of an itchy hand. Interesting.

Mica - I think you might need some cream for that.

Lisa - I kinda enjoy mashed turnips. Maybe it is how they are prepared.

Danielle - I would enjoy you as the third with John and Al. It would be funny.

Anonymous said...

My mom always cooks her turnips with just a dash of sugar, takes some of the bitter edge off. Quite tasty, with a little bit of butter... mmmmm...

That's it. If there's no turnips on the Thanksgiving table, I'm buying one to make with leftovers.