Tuesday, November 07, 2006

WTBT Volume 69 Series 2006....

We're taking bets that...

* it may be childish but Irina Slutskaya's last name makes me giggle.
* you are glad she isn't retiring because it will continue to make me giggle.
* you are wondering how many of these I can end in make me giggle.
* voting is the right thing to do today if you are an American over the age of 18.
* New Mexican cops really are sensitive to the taste of marijuana.
* you are not sure that they should be called New Mexicans.
* although fire codes are there for your safety they sometimes don't make sense.
* you can't believe that I am defending Duke basketball.
* Faith Hill made a bad joke on the CMA's and looked a little petty when she acted like she was upset when she lost to Carrie Underwood.
* I still am secretly in love with Faith Hill and that will never change unless she kills someone.
* the Michigan/OSU game is going to be one for the ages.
* I am pretty sure that unloading your gun while driving is not safe.
* it is not cool to be a prankster any more.
* you are glad a judge had sense to tell Britney Spears she has put her sex life in the public eye and US Weekly is just reporting on it.
* the Raiders really were awful last night and probably would have been beaten by most Top 10 college football teams.
* last night's episode of Heroes was a little dull, but the scenes from the next episode were pretty cool.
* you better hope you don't look or act like a jet-lagged mouse.
* Oakland is getting screwed by the A's.


death commish said...

screw Duke, screw Duke basketball, and screw the Cameron Crazies. I can't believe you defended them either.

death commish said...

Greg, mind explaining how you went from volume 68 to volume 70? Afraid of 69 are we?

Anonymous said...

I noticed the "69" missing too.

How old do mice get? I never considered it-"Old mice vs Young mice"...I think they should have included that considering they use mice to test things for humans.

I mean, if an old mouse is, say, 30 in human years-I'm driving everywhere from now on.

GMadrid said...

T - I know you are right about the Duke thing but it does seem ridiculous.

Lisa - I agree, but I think that any year a mice makes it is a great year. They start out the size of an eraser and look like one too.

To the both of you - I changed the post number for you both, but since this was my devil's number post overall I thought 69 was tempting fate or the sign of the apocolypse.