Wednesday, May 16, 2007

We're taking bets that information is precious...

Here are three items of importance for everyone.

* If you watch women's feet when they stand they almost always point away from each other. If you look at a guy's feet they are usually pointed straight ahead. That is a weird phenomenon.

* WNEC lacrosse is in the 3rd Round of the NCAA Div. 3 playoffs today. It is amazing they are 17-0 and #3 in the country. Pray for them today.

* Everyone has probably heard the God Grant Me Serenity poem. It is true but sometimes your life is affected by things you cannot change and finding the serenity is hard. Sometimes you want to just punch something and that should be okay too. I know that the poem isn't saying you should hold your emotions in, but too often we are told to "calm down" or "just relax" and maybe that isn't the answer. I say you should let it out as long as you don't hurt yourself or someone else. That should be the best way. On a funny note someone should get me this mug for Christmas or Hanakuh.


Anonymous said...

1. For some odd reason I noticed the feet thing the other day in line.

2. The mug link takes you just to the poem

3. I wanted to get it for you for Kwanzaa.

GMadrid said...

Fixed the link. Sorry

Danielle said...

:( Hope your day is looking up, Mr. Greg. **hugs**

death commish said...

If you're spending time looking at people's feet, I think it's time to find a new hobby.

And when did you become Jewish?

Nai said...


I don't want to contradict you (actually I do want to contradict you), but punching something is not the answer.

You may not want to follow the serenity prayer, but I think this quote is little bit harder to ignore:

"But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny." - Yoda

I think that says it all!


Anonymous said...

I would just like to point out 2 things:

1. This is your blog and I love it

2. I love Ian

Nai said...

Lisa is my hero!

Carrie said...

I have a reason behind the feet thing. Actually two.

1. The female pelvis is shaped differently than the male, which I think causes the bones of the leg to align differently when relaxed.

2. Ballet lessons. First position is heels together, toes pointed outward. You take ballet for long enough, it just becomes second nature.
