Monday, May 14, 2007

WTBT Volume 39 Series 2007...

We're taking bets that...

* some people you should just not piss off.
* the BoSox comeback yesterday was a thing of beauty.
* I know people love things that are deep fried, but this is getting a little ballsy.
* not having much to do in a small town scares me after that last article.
* Utah could be in the NBA finals if all the cards fall in place.
* Utah in the finals might make Jerry Sloan the best coach ever.
* "homemade porn" is not something you expect to hear in the morning at work.
* I really want a sea lion for a pet.
* the Buffalo Sabres are in trouble and my prediction could be 100% wrong.
* nudists need more powerful lobbyists and marketers.
* you never know what Tony Soprano is going to do.
* Phil Mickelson might be the best lefty golfer ever.
* cruise ships seem to be the least safest way too vacation.
* there should be a new word for really tired and exhausted. Flogelled is the word I have come up with.


Anonymous said...

I'm Flogelled.

Danielle said...

I was flogelled yesterday after my bachelorette party. :)