Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We're taking bets that three items are enough information for you...

Here are a few interesting things from my thoughts...

* Loving your animals is a great thing. They provide companionship and usually unconditional love. Crazy Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dog in her will. Most dogs would have been happy with a lifetime supply of Milkbones. The funniest part is that two of her grandchildren got nothing. Of course the dog isn't that happy because he had to hire a lawyer from Spot, Rover and Odie along with an accountant from Pooch & Fire Hydrant. The dog now has to pay taxes which I think is the least he can do. Too bad his name is Trouble because that is all he really is going to get.

* Christopher Walken is probably the most underrated actor of our time. He has been in some of the greatest movies ever and he instantly makes every movie he is in better. Where would Joe Dirt or Kangaroo Jack be without him. He helped SNL have one of its funniest moments with "I've got a fever and the cure is more cowbell." He should get an award every year for his contributions to entertaining us. So go out and rent The Rundown.

* It is never too early to start thinking about Halloween. In two months you may have a party to go to where you have to put something ridiculous on. Where should you go for your costume ideas? I recommend This is not a pay per post. Just a real fun site. Don't get caught with no costume around Halloween. Just stick a dollar to each ear and be a Buccaneer.

1 comment:

Danielle Athanas said...

Steve and I agree with your assessment RE: Christopher Walken/Cowbell.

For more Christopher Walken enjoyment, may I suggest