Thursday, August 09, 2007

We're taking bets that you need to be heard...

Hello WTBT readers!!! I hope that you have had a great week! Time for some questions as summer enters it's last 5 weeks. I hope you enjoy them. Good fun questions this week. Get others to answer. I am hoping for at least 5 responses. We will see. Talk to you all soon.

A. Do you think a dog or a cat is smarter?

B. If you had a portrait painted of you what would the background look like?

C. What is one thing that fascinates little kids that you wish amaze you too?


A. It has to be a cat, because they dictate what happens in a house. They know when they are doing something wrong and do it anyway. Dogs are great, but they always have a look of "I really want to sniff his butt." Dogs can be taught, but overall I think that cats are smarter.

B. I would probably have Fenway Park as my background. I love that place and would love to be remembered with it. My second choice would be a Little League baseball field from anywhere in America.

C. I truly wish I loved bubbles the way I did as a kid. Kids truly love bubbles. They said it in Knocked Up and I totally agree. I wish all I needed some days were bubbles.


Danielle Athanas said...

A. I agree with you, I think cats are generally smarter. There are some dogs that are pretty smart and can be trained very well, but you don't dominate your master without being super smart. That said - dogs are more fun. I hate cats.

B. Hampton Beach on one of the jettes because I absolutely love that beach, and I love the Atlantic Ocean. And I would be wearing a hoodie sweatshirt, jeans, and flip flops. I know that wasn't part of the question, but I thought I should add.

C. You know... I think I agree with you on the bubbles. But, I also have to add crayons. I remember being a kid and just loving to color, and being fascinated with how just some crayons and imagination could create places and things that weren't on the paper 15 minutes before.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I was referred here by Danielle.

A. I have two cats and I would have to agree that they are smarter than dogs. Sometimes I think that they are too smart for their own good.

B. I would probably choose to have my background as a waterfall up in the White Mountains.

C. I remember how I used to be pretty fascinated by playdough when I was a kid. I work in a preschool classroom and I still enjoy playing with playdough with the kids.

Maggie Moo said...

A. I think that cats are smarter-they seem to have a freaky intuition about lots of things, which is one of the reasons I didn't like them for a while. They freaked me out.

B. It would definately be woods with lots of light streaming through the tall trees with lush green leaves.

C. Truthfully-everything. Kids are amazing and the fact that they can stare at an ant for what seems like hours or laugh hysterically at someone making a silly face (over and over again)-oh to truly be a kid again!

GMadrid said...

Danielle - I love that you always think outside of the box. Hey I say the more info the better. :)

Maria - PlayDough is pretty cool, but it always makes my hands smell funny.

Lisa - How does it feel to respond third? You must be slacking.

Carrie said...

A. I have to go against popular opinion and say that I think dogs are smarter. By refusing to use the litter box, they dictate when and where they get to go to the bathroom, and in the meantime, they get to check on the haps in their 'hood. Not to mention, you never hear of people trying to resist kitty-cat eyes.

B. Stonehenge on a stormy night.

C. I think Mags hit it on the head with everything. I see it every time I read a book to my 18 mo. old daughter. She gasps in wonder every time I turn the page, at all the new pictures that are suddenly there before her.

Maggie Moo said...

Greg: Way to make me feel good about myself.

At least I answer YOUR questions.

Danielle Athanas said...

Ouchies. That was a burn.

Anonymous said...

a. Cats - I mean c'mon that one in the news recently could predict when nursing home patients were about to pass away! That and they're definitely SNEAKY!

2. books....shelves of books

3. I wish pulling a quarter or anything from someone's ear still amused me

GMadrid said...

Lisa - Hopefully my words aren't able to hurt you since they are so meaningless. Sometimes you just can't tease some people. :{ I answer your questions when I have answers. I don't want to half ass it on such a popular blog. :)

Asara - Good point about dogs. I still think cats overall have it though.

Anon - I bet if someone actually pulled a quarter out you would smile.