Wednesday, September 26, 2007

We're taking bets that Hail to the Chief is great music...

Here are a few observations I have had the last few days...

* Ex-President Jimmy Carter is coming to Quinnipiac University today to accept an award. He is going to speak about nuclear weapons and the need to get rid of them. Since it is not often that a President of the United States is in your backyard I am going to see him. He is a Nobel Peace Prize winner and although he wasn't considered the best president he did a lot of good for the US and the World. I hope that when he passes away that he is recognized as a great man who loved his country.

* Most people under the age of 50 have no idea who the Little Rock Nine are. Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of the integration of Little Rock schools. President Eisenhower had to have soldiers escort the students inside. These nine teenagers are probably the most brave people that I can ever imagine. Racism and Bigotry are pretty bad these days, but in the 50's it was a whole other ballgame. Reflect on the accomplishments of the Little Rock Nine and understand that we need more brave individuals to move us further in the diversity equality.

* I know most people don't understand why Boston Legal and James Spader keep getting Emmy nominations and James keeps winning. It is simply one of the most intelligent shows on television. It's season premiere was last night and John Laroquette is now a regular. The show was fantastic. They deal with issues that even John Stewart sometimes shies away from. If you are not watching any TV at 10 pm on a Tuesday you should be tuned into ABC because you will realize there is something better out their than Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.

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