Wednesday, September 19, 2007

We're taking bets that the O.J. trial is back...

Here are a few observations for this week...

* O.J. Simpson is in jail and being arraigned today. I seriously hope that this does not become another media circus. He is the reason that the media is so celebrity driven today. It doesn't seem possible that he could take things to another level, but he did.

* Beware of the head butt in a fight. It is dangerous. Even if you never get into fights you should be careful of accidentally head butting someone. Why do I say this? Because of this story of an armless man who killed a man with one head butt.

* Tomorrow there is a big rally for the Jena 6 in Louisiana and across the country. Fellow bloggers and readers please check out my old post and remind people that racism still exists in this country. We need to put a stop to it and learn that differences are what make us special.


Danielle Athanas said...

Good post today.

I completely agree with you on the OJ thing. You always heard about celebrities, but he made the sensationalism of celebrity mis-doings a big media deal. Blah to that. I think we should hear more about the GOOD things celebrities do for the world. Enough is enough already.

I guess when you have no arms, you have to use your head in a sticky situation. Ha!

My prayers are with the Jena 6, their families, and the people of the town of Jena. Hopefully they can rise above the racism... :(

Maggie Moo said...

OMG-we were talking about the head butt as a weapon for armless people when we were in Charleston on Monday night. How freaky is that?! Wow.

I wonder who would win in a competition though-him with his head butt or you with your flicks?

GMadrid said...

Danielle - Sadly your sticky situation joke made me laugh.

Lisa - Very weird conversation. I have never killed anyone with my flicks. Only bruises.

Danielle Athanas said...

That is sad. It wasn't that funny. :)