Friday, September 28, 2007

WTBT Volume 74 Series 2007..

We're taking bets that...

* Hope Solo was right in criticizing her coach, but not her fellow goalie.
* Homecoming is always a fun time.
* sometimes being honest has some disadvantages.
* making another person smile who needs a boost is a wonderful feeling.
* the NY Mets will not make the playoffs.
* this doesn't seem like it could really happen.
* the Patriots are going to win a shoot-out Monday night.
* this is one lucky lady.
* The Office was hysterical last night and you can't believe what Dwight did.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Let's go Phil's.

And you are right, the Office was hysterical, but I don't find it so hard to believe what Dwight did, maybe thats just me